Saturday, February 12, 2011

Our Dear President - Bush The Third??

How do I put this without sounding bitter (horrors!), angry (that will never do), vicious (how un-"ladylike"!), or (perish the thought) violent?

OBAMA IS A TOTAL WASTE  --  if you are not a Corporate CEO, or some rich bastard!

 There, I said it!

If folks have noticed, our "Democratic" President seems to be at least as far right as good old GWB.  He talks a good game - then does NOTHING for middle and lower class folks.

Just go to "Some Assembly Required"  --  read the excerpts from yesterday and today  --  then realize (again) that our Government exists only for the rich and the Corporations.  What "We The People" want (and NEED) does not seem to be the concern of ANY of our lawmakers.

Heck, our Government could have paid off everyone's mortgage, made both the middle class and banks whole, with the money they spent propping  up the rich.

We no longer count.

It looks like both the Democrats and the Republicans have abandoned us, the people of The USA.

I've lost my country.

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