Wednesday, January 25, 2012

More on Apple

From now on, every time I think about Apple, about that so cool, so chic, so "creative", so (somehow or other) "green" product, I will think of mice in dormitories, scurrying to the factory floor whenever a bell is rung.

This supposed "flexibility" is that of slaves, serfs, prisoners.

It appears that's what our overlords want from their "workers". They want WORKERS to "fix things" whenever "The Bosses" make a mistake. If things are tested, planned, and THEN put in production there would not be quite as many "emergencies" that require getting folks out of bed at MIDNIGHT, giving them "a cup of tea and a biscuit", and having them work through the night AND the day.

Poor planning, arrogant "masters", and a total lack of respect of their SLAVES as human beings. Just cogs in the "wheels of production".

Screw APPLE and ALL their products.

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