Wednesday, November 21, 2012


It's time, once again, for that TRADITIONAL AMERICAN Holiday we call THANKSGIVING!

Its Protestant, vaguely anti-Catholic origins, along with its thinly veiled racism make it the MOST American of AMERICAN Holidays.

So, here's a little Thanksgiving treat.


don't forget, have a Happy Thanksgiving  --  don't let either Uncle Charlie or Grandpa Horace drown in the soup when they pass out.  Do not allow any of the political arguments come to physical manifestations  --  pushing, shoving, drink throwing, punches or slaps.  Yelling and screaming are just fine  --  even expected (in some families).  If folks storm out in a rage/huff/fit of pique - or, all of the above - it just means there is MORE FOR YOU!!

If visiting other folks, please do not allow your envy to overwhelm you - a good front really means little.  Perhaps those folks were just trying to make your stay more comfortable.  If you can't accept that  --  "go in peace" (but go).

Once again  --  Happy Thanksgiving!!  (happy, happy, joy, joy)

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