Thursday, April 25, 2013

Just Too Much

I'm just not up to posting much of anything.  Bombings, explosions, lack of oversight, more outrage over a bombing in Boston while the damage from improper storage of materials that were not supposed to be there is merely a regional matter. 

At the same time Gov. Goodhair Perry BRAGS about our lack of regulation, and how it helps business.

Also, the very same assholes legislators who refused to send aid to victims of Sandy are DEMANDING IMMEDIATE ACTION from the Federal government regarding aid to the victims of West, Texas.

The very same Governor who wished to secede from the Union not that long ago wants IMMEDIATE ACTION from FEMA!!

I guess both my outrage and hypocrisy buttons have been pushed too damn many times.

We still can't do anything about Global Warming.  We can't do anything about unemployment.  We can cut Social Security  --  even though it has nothing to do with the deficit.  We can refuse to honor the promise made to us while we were working our ass off all our lives.  We can tell all of us who lost a major part of our retirement in 2008 to "stay calm and carry on", even though we can no longer work and have no way to recoup our losses.

Still, if you're not a solid member of the 1%, and you happen to lose almost everything, no one gives a damn  --  you're not rich enough to benefit from American Socialism For The Rich.

Too many "liberals", not enough real progressives.  Not enough real journalists anymore  --  they have been co-opted.  Too many folks who are so worried of losing anything that they want to deny everything to everybody.  It's just the old "divide and conquer" crap.

It's a rigged game  --  and we do not own the casino. 

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