Sunday, December 12, 2010

A thought about our "gubbmint"

In the District of Columbia -- the seat of our national Gov't, 21.5% of the residents are on food stamps. At the same time, OUR "representatives" seem to have NO CLUE. They know very little about this. Either that or THEY DON'T GIVE A DAMN.

21.5% of the residents in our CAPITAL CITY can't get by without help from the government. The city is strapped for cash, Schools are a travesty. Children go hungry.

Our Senators argue ideological positions, as do many of our Representatives. It seems trying to make the city a "showplace" is impossible -- even if it would look good to visitors. It would either cost too much (though far less than a war), or be "the wrong thing to do" -- because letting people starve is "better for them", or "convinces them to work harder", or WHAT?

DOES ANY OF THIS MAKE SENSE?? From any point of view? Please tell me this isn't just RACISM -- even though we all know it is.

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