Friday, October 14, 2011

Though a little late, a few things from "Some Assembly Required"

Even though I assume most of you have read "Some Assembly Required" already, I'm putting some little tid-bits up -- in case you haven't. As always, please follow link to original.

Want List: OWS is not demanding a revolution, not even equality. They simply want to have a chance. They want access to health care, education and not to be constantly exploited by the rich. They do not want to continue living month-to-month under the burden of unrepayable debt. They are not demanding democracy in the workplace or nor shorter hours or higher pay Their motivation is simple: they want the basic right to survive. Our society has regressed far back in time to a period before organized labor - the peasants are at the castle gate, hats in hand, asking simply for the hope of survival.

Elephant? What Elephant? Overpopulation is the complication to every other major problem facing mankind that no one talks about. It doesn't attract the efforts and money of the rich and famous because it is too big. And insoluble. And profitable. The burgeoning populations in China and India are simultaneously “lower labor costs” and “Emerging Markets” More people means cheaper labor, more demand and bigger profits - where's the problem?

Free At Last: The 'free trade' agreements approved by Congress are, of course, not about free trade. The Joint Economic Committee found that those whose jobs will be shipped overseas by these agreements are those who will have the most trouble finding new jobs. They are older workers, those without college education. Those who did not have the foresight to be born white and upper-class.

Bring Out Your Dead: The cost of maintaining foreclosed REO properties, paying the taxes on them and ponying up for the code violations that accompany long-vacant, unsalable properties has led some of the nation's largest banks to begin giving away scores of such properties, or paying to have them demolished. It is cheaper to destroy them than sell them.

Point Of View: Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC) claims that a bill that permits hospitals to refuse treatment to pregnant women is not misogynistic. The hospitals can also deny service to pregnant men.

Please go there - there is more.

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