Tuesday, April 2, 2024

 I just have little to write about.  Do not want to complain, yet that seems about the only thing I can do these days.  Perhaps describing how my strength fails, my balance evaporates, my eyesight goes bye-bye, etc., etc., etc. could be couched as a "description of aging", but that would be a lie.  Overall, for someone almost 85, my health is good.  My diabetes seems decently controlled, I'm still limber, though I use a walker I still know my name, where I live and who is President. (USA).  Could use money, am no longer even vaguely "middle class" even though we (Suzy and I) are quite "boughie".  I do wish I could afford to move back to NY  --  but, that seems out of the question.  See, As I said, All I can do these days is complain.  Hopefully, there will be more posts to come.    Please stop by and take a peek.  See you all soon. 

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