Monday, September 8, 2008

More falsehoods

So, the party of "fiscal restraint", of "responsibility" has led us to the brink of another "great depression" -- all this while being unwilling to admit we are in a recession.

It does appear that our gubbiment has cooked the books as a major strategy to both deny inflation, and "prove" there is no recession.

While we debatethe merits of a very inexperienced "Hockey Mom" for VP, our "free market"gubbiment has taken over both Freddie ans Fannie.

They will more or less save the foreign investors, while individuals will be virtually wiped out.

What we have is no longer Capitalism, and it's not Socialism -- I'll let smarter people to puzzle that one out.

It just seems we "deregulate" enough so the ever greedy Republicans can tank the economy - at least for the bulk of folks - then they try to blame everyone, and everything else - while trying to run against their own record.

If we elect one more Republican -- we deserve what we get.

As far as the economy goes ---- it ain't over yet, the hits will just keep on coming. If you really want a free market, you have to be willing to take the hits, go through the collapse. watch the people starve ---- and, after enough people die ---- it (the market) will self correct.

We once had a "mixed economy" -- seemed to work a hell of a lot better than this "unfettered Capitalism" crap.

"The Great Depression of 2006", "The Angry Bear", "Calculated Risk", "The Big Picture" are among the economics blogs it might do folks well to check out, also "The Conscience Of A Liberal" by Paul Krugman.

They will give you an "overview" of the real shape of our economy.

By the way, folks are beginning to call those foreign nations who hold our debt our "overlords" --- Is this really what you expected from a Republican Party who calls anyone who asks questions "traitors"? Did you really expect them to dismantle our gubbiment, while selling the nation to folks who were our enemies not that long ago?

Best believe they lined their own pockets while selling you all "down the river".

I'm an old woman. Born in 1939, I've seen, and reveled in the greatness of the USA. I've loved this nation, as I saw it moving to a "more perfect union". Those days are over. I truly fear for all you 40 and under out there. The truth is, I'm glad I'm not you.

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