Monday, November 9, 2009

Topics I wanted to avoid -- but really can't

First, "gay marriage" was voted down in another state. It seems equal rights are subject to the whims of the majority.

Don't like certain people -- vote away their rights. See how simple that is!

Having the ability to vote on whether some citizens are more equal than others is rather stupid. The American Experiment was based on the concept of "majority rule, minority rights". To reject the equal citizenship of any minority that's not breaking the law on RELIGIOUS grounds is anti-American. We are a secular republic, based on freedom OF and FROM religion.

Banning "gay marriage" because YOUR Bible doesn't seem to like it is DUMB. Banning "gay marriage" because you think the sex is "icky" is even dumber.

It seems an awful lot of American "citizens" have no idea what it means to be either American or a citizen.

Next is the mish-mosh of a health care bill -- especially the parts that make being a woman a condition that leads to second class citizen status.

The Stupak Amendment is another example of misogyny that's an integral part of American society.

If you are against abortion -- don't have one. If you think being a woman is "optional", or a "choice" (like smoking) and therefore calls for higher health insurance premiums, convince your wife, sister, or mother to change that "choice".

All in all, men are among the most privileged, illogical, stupid, folks around. Their misogyny blinds them to the world.

Enough said.

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