Thursday, November 12, 2009

War on Sickness

Instead of calling it a bill FOR something called "health care" -- why not brand it a bill AGAINST sickness/illness/disease/etc.

Calling it a "War On Illness", like the "War On Drugs" might allow more "conservatives" to support it. After all, it's a "war" AGAINST something.

Don't "conservatives" relish that sort of thing? Doesn't that make it more acceptable?

There has to be a way to present better health care for all as a way to help the "poor downtrodden white male", and "punish" (bring back "traditional values") minorities.

Since we can't get people to vote for their self-interest. Since they would rather "cut off their nose to spite their face", perhaps we can take a page from the tea-party bunch and just plain lie to them -- very loud, and very angry, in true "conservative" fashion.

Facts do not seem to work -- take a page from the Republicans -- deal in half truths, quarter truths, and just plain lies -- give them what they seem to want.

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