Monday, November 22, 2010

Some Happy Monday Thoughts -- HIDE! HIDE!

I've never been more depressed about the future. On one hand, I'm happy that I'm 71, that I lived through the best years of America. On the other, I worry about being 71 because I'm quite sure this nation will turn its back on me and all old people. Our youth doesn't seem to think they will ever get old.

Now, the spectre of failure hangs over The European Union. Germany appears to want total control (what else is new). Ireland and the Mediterranean States are under attack for their supposed "profligate ways" - even though their bubbles were stoked by Northern European Banks.

Now, just imagine how happy I was to read the following in "Some Assembly Required" -- it's just peachy-keen, don't you think? (please follow link to original)

Honesty: As the mini-series continues, with Iceland, Greece and now Ireland brought to their knees in the drive to keep European banks and financial giants solvent, all attention will turn to slaughtering the peasants in Portugal. In celebrating its Irish victory, IMF chief Strauss-Kahn demanded that European nations cede even more of their sovereignty to Brussels, for the time has come for centralized control and reform of European labor markets. Yet support in EU countries for continued EU membership is close to the lowest levels ever. It is becoming clear that the euro experiment will end in inevitable collapse. Facing this failure, expect European political and financial leaders to concentrate on promoting the interests of multinational corporations.

WOW, isn't that a great way to start my "hour of blog:?


Use the Library: Insurance companies are now going to data-gathering companies to find out what you've been Googling. Done a search on breast cancer? Uninsurable. Looked up info on that disease your neighbor died of? Uninsurable. Next time you want to look up some medical condition, visit your local library, use their computers. And an alias.

Golly-gosh-gee-willikers, isn't that just beyond peachy?

Then I read:

Take Two, They're Small: A rare pink diamond went for $46 million, because “the demand for rare gems as a portable form of wealth” has pushed up prices. In portable form.

Isn't that all WONDERFUL???

My only question (ONLY question?) is: Which will come first, WWIII or a complete breakdown of civilization? Can you imagine all the stories of "plucky millionaires" who managed to save themselves through luck, pluck, and "portable wealth"? Will they be like the deposed "Russian Nobility" was after WWI?

Cry for our nation -- and find some means of self defense.

Oh yeah, by the way -- today's Dallas Morning News has a little headline that says 22% (or more) of "Charter Schools" have "religious affiliations". They teach on "biblical principles", pray, etc., etc., etc. ---- AND, they get PUBLIC FUNDING!!

Can you say, "end run around separation of Church and State"? Can you say, "CHRISTIAN MADRASSA"? Can you say, "THE END OF THE USA AS A NATION WE CAN RECOGNIZE"?

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