Sunday, December 5, 2010


So, I've been reading stuff by folks opposed to Wikileaks. Some Brits, some USA folks. Not gov't types, not even well-to-do folks who fear some of their double-dealing might be exposed (how, I don't know) -- just regular folk.

Don't quite understand it. Do not understand why they want to prosecute, why they want to "get rid of " Assange.

It's beginning to sound like, look like, read like, some cheesy spy novel from the late 60's, early 70's.

Here I thought this "new" administration was going to be more "transparent" -- what a load of crap.

When will we learn. "look at what they do -- not what they say".

The Obama folks are no better on civil liberty than were the Bush folks. Everyone screams and yells about The Constitution -- but EVERYONE wants to toss it aside when it suits THEM.


Isn't it fun living in a police state?

Always remember what the right wing types say. "If you don't do anything 'wrong', you have nothing to worry about". That's like saying -- if you do not attempt to use your freedom -- you still have it (or, what we allow you to have).

Another thing to remember -- THEY can always REDEFINE "WRONG" -- and they do it all the time -- look at what is now called "terrorism", once "vandalism". Look at all the stuff you did as a kid (if you're over 50) that is now a "felony".

"Land of the free, home of the brave" -- when's the last time you heard that?

How about -- "The American Way", or "American Know how"?

Heck, now we can't even build a bridge unless it pays for itself RIGHT NOW! The concept of "future" is foreign to our "leaders". So is upkeep of "the commons" (the WHAT???).

I guess the rich and super-rich will have their private water, private police, private schools, private towns, etc., etc. -- all this in their "private, gated communities".

How's that feel all you "common folk" out there? Do you realize YOU are becoming a member of "the proletariat" -- maybe even becoming a "lumpen prole"?

All of this generation raised on "self esteem". All these folks who are WONDERFUL without ever doing ANYTHING -- "self esteem" without ever EARNING it --- gosh, how will they all feel when they discover THEY are just like everyone else?

How will they feel when THEY discover they are part of the 90% of "losers" in this "winner take all" society?

Golly-gee, I'm really happy I'm 71 and not 31.

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