Thursday, March 31, 2011

Indiana Rep Says Women Will Fake Rape Or Incest To Get An Abortion

Here we have another woman-hating-Republican, or should I just say Republican, since most act as if they neither like nor trust women -- oh yeah, they also seem to think we are both stupid and scheming.

In fact the stereotype of woman that seems to be common among Republicans is not unlike the opinion anti-Semites have of Jews, or racists have of Black and Brown people.

They do admit there are some "good women". I think that means obedient, quiet, fawning, and subservient. Isn't that why so many losers marry "mail-order-brides"?



This man needs to hear banjos in the back-country --- "my, what purty lips you have".

Do any men really have ANY IDEA what RAPE is? What it does to a person?

I think not.

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