Sunday, June 26, 2011

Importing Foreign Workers is not a Manufacturing Policy

This from "The Economic Populist" -- please go to the original to read the rest of this article (follow link).

It sometimes seems we have just given up -- or, is it the corporate media that makes it seem that way?

Importing Foreign Workers is not a Manufacturing Policy
Submitted by Robert Oak on Sat, 06/25/2011 - 11:43

Just unbelievable. Seems by hook or by crook Obama is doing exactly what his corporate donors demand he do. That's import more foreign workers to take American jobs.

The latest is in a faux pas agenda that is being sold as a manufacturing policy. Contained within Obama's lobbyist white paper being presented as a report we have this:

Expand the number of high-skilled foreign workers that may be employed by U.S. companies.

Let's see, we only have more Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) college graduates than the U.S. can employ and it is well documented foreign workers are used to labor arbitrage U.S. workers. There are currently about 200,000 tech workers needing a job and that does not count the hundreds of thousands forced out of their careers by foreign guest workers and offshore outsourcing. .......................................................

There's a lot more.

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