Thursday, February 16, 2012

MY "tin-foil-hat" fears

Every so often I think our "leaders", "the powers that be", "our shadow government", etc., etc., etc. actually understand climate change. I believe they understand overpopulation. Understand the inability of "Spaceship Earth" to continue its reckless pace of growth, war, famine followed by plenty.

It sometimes seems as if there is a world wide plan/plot/agenda to first "race to the bottom", turn the entire Earth into a place of have-a-lot folks and have-NOTHING folks. End health care for most, end protections for minorities, allow epidemics, plagues, fire, pestilence, etc. to ravage the population -- by, let's say 3 or 4 BILLION -- and then "start over".

I realize thoughts like this are considered "tin foil hat" ramblings. I also think something like this motivates many of our "Masters Of The Universe", whether they actually understand it or not (I fear some are not smart enough to actually understand it).

I also think it won't exactly work that way. Though I now almost understand the old sci-fi "space operas", where folks with amazing technology fight with swords -- our current disdain for reality and science almost makes that crap possible -- I think the future will be very different.

Even if the "real rulers" (good old tinfoil-hat concept) have a plan to allow "natural attrition", an uprising of BILLIONS of desperate, hungry, people would be very hard to contain. What sort of "society" would follow is very hard to contemplate.

I vote for a brutish sort of feudalism.

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