Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day

This holiday is LABOR DAY.  It is NOT, "Venture Capitalist Day", "Mergers and Acquisitions Day", "Really Rich Plutocrats Day"  --  it seems EVERY DAY is theirs of late.

As Americans, one of our jobs is to recognize the sacrifices made by labor, by workers, by strikers, so we couold have a "middle class".  If the bosses had their way, it would not exist.

What they want is to get rid of Unions, get rid of education for all, get rid of a free thinking, independent middle class  --  our merely being wage slaves is not enough  --  they want SERFS tied to a job, a corporation, a place.  They want to end ALL mobility  --  social and physical.

If we want to remain free in any way, we must fight for those freedoms   --  elect the most progressive folks you see  --  then get them to move LEFT.  It's the only way we will remain a Republic.

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