Friday, November 7, 2008

It's just a word

Can you say DEPRESSION? It's just a word -- right?

All the economic news really, really, sucks!

Tell me, what good will your "super individualism", "rugged self reliance", do when there is nothing for you -- no job, no future (that you can see), no hope?

What will folks do when the only way out for most people is COMMUNITY? When most folks will have to band together to support each other, when those who have will have to help those who don't.

What will all those who fetishize Ayn Rand do when they see it's nothing but a huge lie?

Those are the folks who brought us to this place. Once again socialism for the rich is shown not to work. Wide based prosperity serves us all best.

Get ready for some real change -- not brought about by neo-libs -- but, as a response to our new "great depression".

Does anyone else think GWB would like to leave office RIGHT NOW?

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