Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I Had A Dream

No, not the MLK one. Not even a positive one. My dream was of a dystopia -- a "hell on earth" -- except for the very rich.

It was of a "post industrial age". A time when we proles won't be needed by the wealthy.

All the pots, pans, widgets that will ever be needed are already made. There will be some LIMITED basic research, manufacturing, for the wealthy -- the rest of us will make do with what is still around. As you can tell -- this was a dream -- so a lot of the stuff is not well thought out. At the same time, depression, starvation, wars (limited, of course), could cut population by some billions. If worked correctly, most of the religious fanatics - east, west, north, and south could be killed off. With this plan, they might not need religion to control the masses -- it really has gotten a bit unwieldy -- don't you think?

Looking around at the world today -- the lack of education that seems purposeful, the total lack of critical thinking, the real dumbing down of mass culture -- the "master plan" seems to be in full swing.

Huge urban areas will no longer be needed -- anyway they are just a huge bother, what with the freedom that is usually found in cities, the lack of strict social control found in villages and small towns (why do you think the trend has been to demonize urban areas -- people get some "strange ideas" there -- so, starve them, let them rot, destroy their education system, let them sink into the earth}.

They are "evil". "Those" people live there. People in cities are too "independent". Let them self destroy.

Small towns, villages are places where "anti-social" behavior can be picked out, and "nipped in the bud".

Welcome to the "new serfdom". They've already convinced folks unions are "bad". Some folks know they are being screwed -- yet, they cannot even imagine any way to get out from under. They claim to be "rugged individuals" -- while they do what they're told, cannot imagine a way to break free, and live in self imposed misery. The time to assert their rights against the power of the wealthy is fast coming to an end.

The joke is that the wealthy act collectively -- while we proles are taught to be "rugged individuals" -- IE: POWERLESS.

Anyway, it was just a stupid dream.

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