Friday, November 5, 2010

banks get eaten ........................

I checked at 5:00 pm today -- no listed failures. Now, after making dinner, watching Maddow try to explain why MSNBC canned Keith, reading a bit (I turned off MSNBC - permanently, or until Keith returns -- then again, if his show changes -- perhaps permanently), I finally got back to my computer. For gosh sakes -- four banks failed today. What will all our new Tea Party masters do about that? Especially, now that they got their country back.

Will they run what's left into the ground -- the way they did when GWB was President? Will they expand the torture program to include all citizens? Will they put a bounty on the heads of Muslims and overtly gay folks?

Will they still carry weapons to rallies, the way they did when health care -- that would help them -- was being "discussed"?

Will they be more willing to shoot now that "their folks" are in power?

What will they do when some of us shoot back?

Will they continue to lie -- and say, "those folks started it -- by breathing"?

What will the anti-Constitution-anti-Bill-Of-Rights-Religious-Right do now? How far will they attempt to go? Will more kids die? Will more adults be attacked for existing?

Where do we go now?

By the way -- have y'all fixed the economy yet?

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