Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Unemployed? Must be ALL "your fault".

Yep, that's right. If you are unemployed -- it must be your fault. In fact, today's business section of The Dallas Morning News says many want ads SAY, "unemployed need not apply". It seems quite a few companies will not hire you if you don't have a job already. They feel it must be your fault.

So, let's see, unemployment insurance has not been extended. Republicans think these lavish benefits keep you from getting a job. At the very same time, many businesses will not hire you if you actually ARE unemployed.

By the way, it is NOT illegal to discriminate against the unemployed.

Isn't this a peachy situation? Middle class -- nah, not anymore. Can you say, "serfdom"? Can you say, "homeless"? Can you say, "the USA has lost its way"? I thought you could.

Now, does ANYONE really give a damn? No! No they do not -- until THEY lose THEIR job. Isn't that interesting?

No, they do not -- until "social unrest" begins to roil their placid existence. Can't have that "rabble" upset us, can we? Does it matter that the "rabble" were your neighbors six months ago? No, of course not -- after all, they were, not worthy/overextended/poseurs/"not our kind"/etc., etc., etc.

Shame on us ALL!!

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