Monday, February 21, 2011

Some Comments On Scott Walker

By the way, in case you wondered --- Gov. Scott Walker of Wisc. is a PIG. Actually, he might be a hog. There is an old saying that, "pigs get fat, but hogs get slaughtered", which was used to describe folks who get too greedy.

Walker has LOWERED TAXES on his friends, while then trying to "balance the budget" on the backs of the folks who do the work in his Gov't.

This makes no sense.

I do understand that folks want "less government" -- until the snow piles up, or the rivers flood, or any number of SHTF scenarios -- then they DEMAND "Government ACTION" -- the very same Government they wanted "out of their hair".

Once again, when the Government disappears, or gets smaller, only the RICH and their kids will have services, education, clean water, and maybe cleaner air -- until the entire system collapses.

The overall Scott Walker "plan", and that of other Republican "leaders" will end with the destruction of the USA as a first world country. It seems they want a Banana Republic.

Why do the Republicans hate America?


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