Sunday, March 6, 2011

Wonder of wonders -- a biblical quote

At the head of "Jesse's Cafe Americain" he has a biblical quote. Now, I'm not religious, nor do I see the bible as the be-all and end-all -- but, why don't OUR "Bible Thumpers" EVER use quotes like this? Why are all our "Bible Thumper" quotes only about "prosperity", the subjugation of women, and why gay folks are "DAMNED"? Why is that? (please follow link to original)

"Weep, you wealthy, for the miseries that are coming upon you. Your riches dissipate, and your garments become rags; your gold and silver are false, and their corrosion shall be a testimony against you, and shall eat your flesh as fire. You pursued earthly wealth in the last days of your lives. The wages of laborers, which have been fraudulently taken by you, cry out, and the cries of this injustice is heard by the Lord." James 5:1-5"

Would that it were so.

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