Sunday, August 14, 2011

Gee-Golly, here's The Good News -- again.

The weekend edition of "Some Assembly Required" has some good stuff. For your reading pleasure a few things from that wonderful blog.

Please follow link to original.

One Size Fits All: When the eight Republican presidential candidates were asked “Is there any ratio of cuts to taxes that you would accept? Three to one? Four to one? Ten to one? Would you walk away from a 10 to 1 deal?” They immediately, as a group, all raised their hands. No brain cells were harmed in this experiment.

Risk Free Loans: Once upon a time a banker was expected to be an excellent judge of character, protecting his depositors by only extending loans only to those he had good reason to believe would repay the money. Today a banker is expected to get the government to cover any lapse in judgment made by the bank in making loans. Since it is a risk-free business, why pay these people so much?

Point: In real dollars, the average worker's wages have been stagnant for the last 30 years, and actually fell 15% from 2007 to 2009.

All's Fair: Michele Bachmann promised to cut Social Security and Medicare benefits for all future enrollees, starting immediately . “We will reform the entitlement programs now, not five years from now, not 26 years from now, [but]now.” Rick Perry, on the other hand, says God told him Social Security and Medicare are unconstitutional.

Crime In Progress: The American political and financial overlords intend to see their theft of the Social Security Trust Fund through to completion. Back in Ronnie's days they conned the public into overpaying FICA taxes and promised that the overage would go into special Treasury bonds so the money would be there when it was needed. But they spent the money on current budgets instead of paying their fair share of taxes. The intention was to raise your taxes and cut taxes on the rich. And so they did. If we could raise taxes to repay the money borrowed from Social Security, the fund would be fully funded for another 25 years. And then we could raise the taxes on those making over $125,000 or so and the system would remain solvent. But that's not the plan. The plan is to finish stealing the money, then stiff the public.

Shocker! From deepest Iowa comes the startling revelations that few of the GOP presidential wannabes support gay rights. Few?

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