Thursday, August 25, 2011

Really Upset

O.K. -- the BP "Deep Horizon" CAPPED oil well in the Gulf of Mexico is spewing oil again.

The banks are going to get away with illegal foreclosures.

There are CONSTANT, everyday reminders of the extent of corruption in our governments (Federal, State, and Local).

While the rich get richer and richer -- hiding away in gated communities, or areas like Manhattan, where almost all affordable housing is gone, leaving it a playground for the rich or near rich. While the working and middle classes get squeezed and disappear at the very same time. Our infrastructure crumbles, public education becomes a sham, and there is a severe curtailment of the very PUBLIC SERVICES that both working and middle classes depend on. So, the slide into poverty of both middle and working classes seem to be a direct effect of the greed and shortsightedness of both our "Masters Of The Universe" (corrupt bankers, financial folks, and the wealthy plutocrats), and our "elected" leaders who follow "The Golden Rule" ("he who has the gold, makes the rules").

The rich hire their own "security" people, they sometimes have their own separate and unequal infrastructure - (in the middle of both Dallas County and the City of Dallas lie "The Park Cities", a wealthy area that has its own water supply. They NEVER seem to have any drought restrictions -- interesting, no?).

As a result, most of the demonstrations that focus on any single issue - as important as it may be - are doomed to have little effect. Congress and the "regulatory" agencies appear to be bought and paid for.

We need broad based demonstrations. Folks coming together and pooling their strength, their anger, even their despair -- we really need both HOPE and CHANGE -- right now, neither party is willing or able to even make a start.

Blogging about this or that seems to have become nothing more than a way to let off steam.

Why don't all you young folks try to get something done. My cynicism is overwhelming any hope I have left.

Thank God I'm 72 and not 22.

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