Saturday, August 13, 2011

Old Folks

We went to a gun show today. Saw the usual folks and struck up conversations with lots of new folks -- most of whom are senior citizens.

There was a guy selling water purification systems, a bunch selling beef jerky, groups selling heritage seeds, and folks selling their reloads.

Many are folks we have just started seeing around the shows in the last couple of years. Others who told us they were going to retire 6 or more years ago are back.

One man told us it was his way to "stay out of trouble, and make a few bucks".

Most are politically well to the right of us -- and yet, they ALL maintain U.S. corporations are out of control. They seem to worry about their kids futures, and, they worry a lot about their own.

Health care is an issue. Overcrowding is an issue they talk about.

Not one spoke of Obama, nor did they seem to be worried that "Obama is going to take our guns away". They didn't talk about the debt -- but, they did talk about jobs and the economy.

Two years ago, there were T-shirts, bumper stickers, signs, that were VERY anti-Obama being sold. That hysteria has calmed down. Nor was there any overt support for the "Tea Party".

More and more folks seem to be trying to find a way to make a living outside "regular" channels.

I believe both fear and insecurity have been amped up. I also think they no longer have any faith in ANY political figures.

Washington doesn't seem to have a clue about what is happening outside the beltway.

The people are divorced from their government.

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