Monday, December 19, 2011

Time for a visit to "Some Assembly Required"

Here's a Monday trip to "Some Assembly Required -- please follow link to original

Repeat After Me: Pence, Marks, Francs, Drachma, Lira, Peseta...

It Pays to Be Rich: Since 1970, in the US, the top 1% have doubled the share of national they capture,while the poorest 20% have seen their share fall by 30%. The top 1% now take home 20% of all income, own 50% of all stock and have 33% of all the wealth in the country. This is far more lopsided than Rome ever was.

On The Up and Up: According to the US Census, nearly half of all Americans are either poor or just scraping by. This is up from “just” 30% 5 years ago. The middle class is shrinking, and not because the upper classes are expanding. Only food stamps, tax credits and extended unemployment benefits are keeping millions more from scraping bottom. The right wing, however, says that safety-net programs have gone too far because “too many poor people live in decent-sized homes and drive cars.”

...Fear Itself: TSA is now conducting random handbag and briefcase checks on the Washington DC Metro and Bus lines.

Closeout: The War on Iraq is over. What did we gain?

Seems Like Old Times (One): Now that the US has declared victory and fled departed, Iraq's al-Maliki is solidifying his position as leader of the emerging democracy. His first step has been to confine his Sunni rival, VP al-Hashimi in his quarters, surrounded by tanks and APCs. For his safety, of course. Who said building a democracy was easy? Who said the US was building a democracy?

Look Out Below: The seasonally adjusted all-items CPI fell in November at an annualized 0.23% rate. This is the second consecutive month of negative CPI “growth” - better known as deflation. Draw your own conclusions (hint, hyperinflation it's not).
There's a lot more -- please follow link

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