Thursday, March 1, 2012

Andrew Breitbart

Andrew Breitbart died today. All the sanctimonious "liberals" (the ones Breitbart called horrible names, lied about, savaged, and tried to ruin -- all of them seem to be saying stuff like, "Don't speak ill of the dead", "It's such a shame.", "He had so much energy.", etc., etc., etc.

If anyone says, "He was a nasty, horrible, lying, creep." or, "We are better off he is gone.", or damn near ANYTHING deemed "NEGATIVE" -- the entire "liberal" cadre descends claiming stuff like, "We are better than that.".

Why are we "better than that"? Why?

Remember when Ted Kennedy died?

Well, this from "Politico" in 2010: "Andrew Breitbart, a Washington Times columnist who oversees and, tapped into the anti-Kennedy vein in the hours after the senator’s death was announced, posting a series of Twitter messages in which he called Kennedy a “villain,” a “duplicitous bastard” and a “prick.”

"I'm more than willing to go off decorum to ensure THIS MAN is not beatified,” Breitbart wrote. “Sorry, he destroyed lives. And he knew it."

I guess the late Andrew Breitbart had a different set of rules.

They say today he was a "passionate fighter". My take is that he was a nasty prick. He actually did ruin lives. He helped ruin institutions, he NEVER "played fair".

Why can't I gloat when some nasty, hateful piece of work "shuffles off this mortal coil" before what folks say was "his time"? What will the Radical-Right-Wing-Religious-Fanatics say about this? Will they say anything like, "his time was up", or "God took him as punishment for his sins"? Will they look at the supposed "justice" of his "leaving this world"?

No, the "Religious" who claim God controls EVERYTHING will say shit like, "he was taken from us too soon", or "a light has been extinguished", etc., etc., etc.

Why do they want it both ways?

I just read that some Right-Wing-Crazies are saying "Obama had him killed!!".

Why can't they accept the truth -- he keeled over from too much hate, too much booze, too much anger?

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