Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What is with these men??

Europe. Greece. The "War On Women". All the "let's invade Iran" war talk. Anti-abortion. Anti-contraception. Anti-intellectualism. Anti-public education.

Just who the hell is running, or trying to run the USA, Europe, the WORLD?

What is wrong with these folks? Don't they realize their policies actually go against THEIR long term self interest? Don't they understand a poor and brutish world will also affect them, their children, their LIVES in a very negative way?

I don't understand them. Don't get it.

These are supposed to be intelligent, educated, people. I suspect most are, at best, "trained". Not educated enough to allow/deal with uncertainty. Not flexible enough to change with the times, grow as needs dictate change.

Just don't understand them.

Don't want to be them. Don't want to be around them. But, I do worry for the future of the human race. For the future of mankind on Earth.

The current race to oblivion, our breakneck pace to extinction, is totally outside my understanding.

Don't ANY of these fools see ANYTHING outside their egos? Don't any have children? Don't any of them LOVE anything?

I think not.

Once again -- I'm happy to be 72.. I'm happy I'm not 32.

Good luck.

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