Wednesday, August 8, 2012


The post I put up just before writing this illustrates perfectly how out of touch, insane, privileged, lacking empathy, and truly ANTI-AMERICAN most of the Republicans of today are. 

This rivals "let them eat cake", and other rallying cries of the dispossessed.  We all know how that worked out  --  don't we?

The very fact Romney is still in the race only shows how confused, anti-Obama, racist, and willing to believe fairy tales, the "KKKonservatives", and "Republicans" of today are.

Then again, it really might not make much of a difference  --  global warming might just do us in before the insane followers of a third rate fiction writer can.

For the 3000th time  --  I'm really happy I'm 73 and not 33 these days  --  then again, most of the 33 year olds have been fed nasty right-wing propaganda for so long they have no idea what actually was, what they are missing, and the true promise and strengths of the USA.

Too bad.

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