Thursday, August 30, 2012

This From "The Economic Populist" - by Robert Oak

 14.8% of America is on Food Stamps

Think things are getting better? Think again. Food stamp usage is actually up from the latest data. As of May 2012, 46,496,788 people are on food stamps in the United States. That's 14.8% or over 1 in 7. The United States population in May 2012 was 313,878,000 and this figure includes everyone, including people overseas. Food stamp usage increased 2.4% from May 2011 and 0.5% from April 2012.
snap 5/12
Since October 2007, food stamp usage has increased 72.2%. Population has increased 3.7% during the same time period. That is how badly America is hurting.
Below is the yearly percent change in food stamp usage per state. As we can see with the recession claimed to be over in July 2009, we still are seeing more people going on food stamps. Population increased only 0.7% from May 2011 to May 2012.
food stamp state 5/12
There are over 6 million whose only income is food stamps. That means they are living on the streets with absolutely nothing else.
This is an update to our popular post overviewing food stamp usage from last year.

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