Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Tuesday Visit To "Some Assembly Required" - esp. read "Clip & Save" about Social Security

And NOW!!  A Tuesday visit to "Some Assembly Required".  PLEASE NOT THE VERY FIRST ITEM.

Follow link to original.

Clip & Save: Social Security is solvent. It’s America’s most successful retirement plan to date. It’s extremely popular across party lines . Social Security adds not a penny to the deficit. The program is prudently managed, cost-effective, and carefully monitored. It does not need fixing. Obama said he's going to "tweak" it. Which is another way of saying that the politicians have agreed to screw you out of your retirement. Put this on on the fridge.

Out of Sight, Out of Mind: The US spends about 13% of its energy on water – to pump it, treat it, heat it and cool it. That's more than we spend in residential and commercial lighting combined. So why don't we have curly faucets?

Devil/Details: A Romney consultant says that the reason Mitt won't detail how he plans to offset his tax cuts is that “he would be criticized for doing so.” 

More, is Less: The Republican candidate is being allowed to get away with saying that President Obama “has not signed one new free trade agreement in the past four years,” ignoring three important trade deals signed in 2011 with Republican support.

Unfair: Chavez solidified his support by tapping the world’s biggest oil reserves to subsidize food, provide low-cost housing and expand health care among the poor, as he has been doing for 14 years. How crude and insensitive to Wall Street. “The White House congratulated the ‘Venezuela people’ for the peaceful, democratic election that gave President Hugo Chavez . . . his third six-year term . . . while noting the U.S. has its differences with Chavez.” We need the oil. 

Go there  --  there's more.

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