This from "Truthout" -- please follow link to original
More Americans than died in the attacks on the World Trade Center
die every year from contaminated medicine, food, air and water. Yet the
GOP argues we cannot afford the promulgation and enforcement of the
regulations that would save these lives.
I doubt Lilian Cary, 67, would be voting for Mitt Romney or any
Republican this year. Actually, Lilian won't be voting for anyone next
week, because she died of meningitis, weeks after being injected with
steroids for back pain. She is one of 25 people so far to have died from
contaminated vials of epidural steroids. Her husband was also given
those injections at the same clinic and could be facing a similar fate.
As of late October, 338 people have been stricken by infection. In all,
over 14,000 people have been injected with these contaminated steroids.
There will undoubtedly be more illnesses and deaths before this mass
tragedy is over.
The tainted vials were made by a pharmacy, New England Compounding
Center (NECC). A deadly black fungus, Exserohilum, found in the vials
was also found throughout the facility. "The entire pharmacy was an
incubator of bacteria and fungus. The pharmacy knew this through
monitoring results, and chose to do nothing," said former FDA officer
Sarah Sellers who left the agency in 2008 after unsuccessfully pushing
it to increase regulation of compounding pharmacies.
Employees knew about the unsterile conditions and violated established
protocols, but the pharmacy chose to do nothing about it. Inspectors
found multiple breaks in sterile techniques, including that employees
had turned off the air conditioning at night to save the company money,
undermining the conditions needed to prevent growth of contaminating
organisms. Every drug the company made is now suspect.
Drug manufacturing companies such as NECC, prepare medications for
clinics and doctors largely outside federal control. The FDA says that
the law does not give it adequate authority to establish oversight,
leaving regulation largely to the states. In my state, there is exactly
zero oversight of this kind of product.
In my speciality, anesthesiology, it isn't just contaminated drugs;
there's also a shortage of critical drugs. For the last several years,
anesthesiologists have had to resort to suboptimal drug selection
because some of our most important drugs have simply been unavailable.
It seems that the free market doesn't compel drug companies to make
drugs if they don't want to, or don't find it profitable, or they can
create artificial shortages to drive up prices.
Welcome to a glimpse of Mitt Romney's and the Republican's Party's
Holy Grail for economic revival - a free market on steroids, and a war
on regulation. Virtually all government regulatory functions are under
attack. Drug manufacturing, food safety, environmental protections,
health care, banking and financial regulations, work place safety, and
non-discrimination protection have all been placed on the altar of the
free market under the cloak of "freedom, job creation" or the discipline
and joy of "personal responsibility."
Mitt Romney types can say that NECC will probably go out of business
and in that respect it affirms that the free market works. But in this
case - and so many others - the road to free market vindication is
littered with dead bodies, lost jobs, lost life savings, and widespread
suffering. Lilian Cary and the other NECC victims paid the ultimate
price for poor regulations. I suppose in a sick way you could
rationalize that even this is a manifestation of how well the free
market works, like the "free market" of the Serengeti - the weak and the
unlucky fall victim to predators in the jungle of corporate negligence
and profiteering. And who could dispute that weak regulation has helped
NECC create jobs - although at the morgue.
While the Republican's wage an overt war on regulation, they also
wage a covert war by demanding budget cuts to virtually all regulatory
agencies, further neutering their ability to function. With the GOP
demand for budget austerity, first on their list of things to cut is
"discretionary spending," which, among other things, means spending on
enforcing regulations.
For example, even though President Obama signed the Food Safety
Modernization Act into law - giving the FDA wider power to prevent
food-borne illness outbreaks - the number of Americans who became sick
or died because of contaminated food increased 44% over the last two
years, according to a new report from the US Public Interest Research
Group. But the FDA remains unable to implement the reforms because of
Republican refusal to fund them.
Typical of the Republican thought process is this statement last year
from Rep. Jack Kingston (R-GA): "The food supply in America is very
safe because the private sector self-polices, because they have the
highest motivation. They don't want to be sued; they don't want to go
broke. They want their customers to be healthy and happy."
This is how wildly successful this self policing strategy is: 76 million illnesses occur annually from contaminated food, with 128,000 requiring hospitalization and 3,000 people dying - every year -
as many as died in the terrorist attacks at the World Trade Center
(remember contaminated spinach, peanut butter, hamburger, and
cantaloupes?). We have spent trillions of dollars on the "War on
Terror," the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, homeland security, and Mitt
Romney wants the sky to be the limit on even more defense spending, yet
spending a few million to prevent contaminated food - which kills far
more people - is something that the entire Republican Party just can't
Every five years, the Clean Air Act requires the EPA to revise
national air quality standards to reflect current science. Current
science indicates that existing standards are not strict enough and that
standards 25% stricter would save about 36,000 lives - over ten times
the number of deaths on 9/11 - every year (1). You have a far greater
likelihood of dying from air pollution than you do from a terrorist
attack. But Mitt Romney and the Republicans will not let up on the idea
that clean air and clean water are killing jobs and the big polluters
can't afford it. Voting for them this fall means you will be voting to
gut the Clean Air Act and the EPA's budget, and that of the FDA, the
SEC, and virtually every federal regulatory agency whose job it is to
protect our citizens. For the Republicans, deregulation has such
mythical power they would even have us be fooled by Wall Street into
letting them police themselves again.
In the last few years, millions of Americans have lost their
financial nest egg, the equity in their home, their job, health or even
their lives because of the greed and excesses of business. And the
Republicans would have you believe that somehow you are better off for
it. In the immortal words mangled by George W. Bush, "Fool us once,
shame on them, fool us twice, shame on us."
Lilian Cary was fooled into thinking her government was looking out
for her. It wasn't. And if Romney and the Republicans fool Americans
into voting for their war on regulation, we will have become a ship of
fools indeed.
January 12th COVID Update: COVID in Wastewater Increasing
[image: Mortgage Rates]Note: Mortgage rates are from
and are for top tier scenarios.
For deaths, I'm currently using 4 weeks ago for ...
3 hours ago
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