Tuesday, December 4, 2012


By the way  --  Who the fuck is Grover Norquist  --  and why??  How can this person unknown to most Americans be such an "important" figure?

You don't need any conspiracy theories, no talk of a "shadow government"  --  just look at who Republicans bow down to, whose ass they kiss, who their policies (as much as they actually have) support, and you know they are un-American to their core.

"Patriots" who want to secede at the first sign of not getting their way.  Heck, Pat Robertson, that "great Christian leader", asked what Robert E. Lee would think of a "gay wedding" at West Point  --  isn't it interesting he mentioned the name of a TRAITOR, a man who fought against the lawful government of The United States Of America that Robertson claims to "love"?

These folks are ALL full of SHIT !!

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