When I was a kid we had snowstorms, hurricanes, trees down, etc. -- and the power did not go out. As a teenager we were surprised by a hurricane out in Riverhead Long Island, and the power was out for a day or two. While in college at Syracuse N.Y., I recall a three or more foot snow storm and we never lost power. Snow, LOTS of snow was a fact of life up there. It was expected that the power company was ready for it.
Now, every time it rains or blows it seems the power is out for WEEKS!
When your privately owned light and power companies were tightly regulated, before the current "free market" both service AND prices were better. Reliability was also far better.
I recall arguing with someone on an e-mail list some years ago about public spending on infrastructure -- I was calling for more public investment, tighter regulation, even higher taxes. Other folks wanted the "miracle of the free market" to work its "magic".
I finally gave up when some fool wrote, "no one guaranteed you no infrastructure". At that point, I realized they were morons, wild-eyed-libertarians (libertarian -- a Republican on CRACK), just plain in denial, or all of the above.
It seems there's no sense talking to these folks. They will not be happy until we descend into total third world status -- and they can blame it on "those" people, or the "libtards", or perhaps all the "takers" out there. They will NEVER look at THEMSELVES. They will NEVER admit THEY might be WRONG.
Once again, I'm happy I'm going to be 74 soon - all y'all can have fun living in "The Former United States Of America" --- bless your hearts.
Wednesday: Housing Starts, FOMC Minutes
[image: Mortgage Rates] Note: Mortgage rates are from MortgageNewsDaily.com
and are for top tier scenarios.
• At 7:00 AM ET, The Mortgage Banker...
11 hours ago
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