Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Go To, "Some Assembly Required"

(Please follow link to original)

Today that blog begins with, "It was good while it lasted..."

then goes on to, "Noted: As the happy populace heads off the the polls, data shows that in September their incomes dropped the most in the last 14 months. Some of them live in one of the 7 million houses with non-current mortgages and may be part of the 2.6 million who are 90 or more days delinquent, camping out until foreclosure arrives. Many others are unemployed, underemployed. One in seven are are foodstamps. The federal deficit and big government are utmost in their minds, pundits say."

Read this if you haven't voted yet. Then think really, really hard about who got us here (HINT: we were not here when Mr. "Ownership Society" Bush and his fellow Republicans ran all three branches of government -- we were when he and his cronies left). Then do the only sensible thing ---- VOTE A STRAIGHT DEMOCRATIC TICKET.

Ms. Obvious signing off for the day.

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