Thursday, April 21, 2011

“Bipartisan = bought and paid for.” Yves Smith

Once again, if "Some Assembly Required" in not a part of your daily routine -- it SHOULD be!

here are a few choice morsels from today's blog. Of course, you must follow the link to the original -- then follow his links to THE originals (more or less).

As was said by a once famous TV comedian -- "Away we go!".

License, Registration, Cell Phone: Michigan police are using the CelleBrite UFED, a device that can grab all of the photos and videos along with call history, texts, address book and geolocation from a driver's cell phone in less than 2 minutes. Without being physically attached to it. Search warrant? We don't need no stinking search warrant...

Birther of A Nation: Donald Trump is a proud birther, which means he thinks that 50 years ago a massive conspiracy began that included state officials, doctors, Honolulu newspapers and various civil servants and resulted in a Kenyan Socialist from Chicago... etc. Okay, that's hard to imagine. So is Trump as president.

Strategy: When the Republican plan to substitute vouchers for traditional Medicare is explained clearly, more than 80% of Americans oppose the idea. The Republicans will come up with a misleading name and a dishonest story and try to cram it down our throats so the insurance companies can reap the rewards. Business as usual.

Non-sequitur: Yes, of course Homeland Security is out of control. Why do you ask?

CELL PHONES -- Self Incrimination, AND Brain Cancer -- 2, yes 2 for 1!!

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