Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Obama: Unemployment is a “Quiet Crisis” What?

Here's a little comment from, "Say It Ain't So, Already" -- follow link to original, read more.

Obama: Unemployment is a “Quiet Crisis” What?

This is a quote from President Obama’s brief address to the nation today after the Senate passed the screw-Americans-debt-ceiling-bill:

“There already is a quiet crisis going on in the lives of a lot of families and a lot communities all across the country. They are looking for work and they have been for a while … that ought to compel Washington to cooperate, that ought to compel Washington to compromise and that ought to compel Washington to act.”

First of all, you ARE Washington Obama so cut this game of talking TO Washington. Tell us what you’re compelled to do, don’t ask what Washington’s compelled to do. The buck stops with you.

But beyond that, you think the unemployment situation out here is a “quiet crisis?” Are you kidding me? The only reason it’s a “quiet crisis” is because the “lobbyists” we working folk send to Washington, i.e., our representatives, our senators and YOU, aren’t listening. You all are listening to the guys who come bearing big checks and that, apparently, is the only sound you hear.

Oh, and one more thing: Please, please stop using the word compromise. You have redefined that word. It now means Republicans ask for what they want, you stall for a few weeks or months and then give them pretty everything so let’s stop pretending, OK?

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