Thursday, December 1, 2011

Don't Forget

Audit: Fed gave $16 trillion in emergency loans. Not one penny to you or me -- even indirectly.

Forgive ALL mortgages. FREE MONEY to every person in the USA -- must pay bills and/or spend it.

Jail for the BANKSTERS.

Simple, easy way to get the economy running.

I know all sorts of folks will tsk-tsk this -- but it's no less moral than giving the super rich free money to bet against the economy (the one they ruined), allowing them to make a killing, pay back some of the free money, and destroying "main street" at the same time. That seems to be a "win-win" for the very rich AND the power hungry, greed-head politicos.

And, it seems, DEATH to the US Republic, The Constitution, AND (last but not least) what's left of The Bill of Rights.

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