Wednesday, July 25, 2012

My Feeble Attempt To Keep You Up To Date

We've had a guest from overseas visiting for the last few days. That's one reason I've been slow posting. A decent host does not spend all their time figuring out what to put up. In addition, I've been really upset (again) by the news. I just do not want to put some of the crap out there up on line. It's bad enough you can read it everywhere else -- I don't want to get that depressed again. anyway, in an attempt to keep you, my dear reader even slightly up to date -- her is a selection from "Some Assembly Required" -- please follow link to original --------------------------------------------------

One Size Fits All: “My advice here is to be afraid, be very afraid.” Paul Krugman.

Horse/Mouth: “Americans should lose faith in their government. They should deplore the captured politicians and regulators who distributed tax dollars to the banks without insisting that they be accountable. The American people should be revolted by a financial system that rewards failure and protects those who drove it to the point of collapse and will undoubtedly do so again.” Neil M. Barofsky, Special Inspector General for the TARP bailouts.

Spelling Bee: 'Freefall' S – p – a – i – n. “Freefall”. 

Short Course: Spain is falling apart, its borrowing costs have climbed far beyond any rational hope of repayment, its stock markets have crashed, following the pattern seen in Greece, Ireland and Portugal and setting the standard for Italy. Germany has blocked the supposed deal made by EU leaders last month to bail out Spanish banks. The Catalonia region, following Valencia and Murcia, has come begging for help but the cupboard is bare. Europe is a disaster happening in slow motion; it started with Greece and has moved on to Ireland, Portugal, Cyprus, and now Spain – Europe is in “clear and present danger” of disaster.

 Hypocritical Oafs: The Republican version of a health care act would eliminate the ACA's Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, would prohibit any research into patient-centered outcomes (what other types of outcome could possibly matter?), and keep the NIH from considering any economic factors in studying healthcare. The Republicans not only want to privatize Medicare, they want to prevent the customer/patient from finding out what works, what doesn't and how much it should cost.

There's more - go there.

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