Monday, March 2, 2015

Two Songs

The two songs that follow were sung by my parents and their friends at almost every wedding, dance, party, etc., when I was a child.  "Mazolin de fiore" was done as a call and answer, while "Kucavica" was usually started by my mother. 

One is Italian the other Croat  --  I once spoke both the Croat dialect from my folks hometown and Italian ("la vera lingua").  Time and lack of practice make it difficult for me to speak or understand either today.

Back when my mother was alive we would often speak in "our" dialect.  One time a visitor from my moms hometown said he had not heard anyone speak that dialect for many years.  Who knows, I may be one of the last folks who speaks that "language".

Finding those two songs actually brought tears to my eyes  --  a sure sign I'm getting old

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