More about "the goal" - total corporate control. Soon people who want "real" food will have to grow their own.
NAIS, Monsanto, and the Genetic Altering and Patenting of Animal Breeds
by Barbara Peterson
First the Svalgaard Seedbank, then the Nordic Gene Bank for Farm Animals. The Nordic region seems to be a popular place for storing natural seeds and untainted animal genetic resources. The reasons for the Svalgaard Seedbank are clear enough. When the world is overcome by GM technology, and we the little people are forced to eat whatever genetic trait and/or trigger mechanism Monsanto et al have implanted in our Cheerios, the world's ruling elite will need a clean seed bank for their own food. Now we are seeing the beginnings of the same type of manipulation with our meat.
There are major changes influencing the animal production sector: 'livestock revolution' seen as increased global consumption of animal products, intensive and industrialized production systems, major environmental impacts, global warming, increased risks for pandemic diseases (even zoonoses), international trade of high-output breeds, narrow selection goals and loss of variation in breeding programmes, niche production with local breeds and growing interest in patenting. (NordGen Farm Animals, 2009)
Note the last phrase: "growing interest in patenting." Ah, yes. Isn't that interesting.
In February 2005, Monsanto published multiple patent applications at the World Intellectual Property Organization in Geneva, Switzerland. These proposed patents encompass nearly the entire lifespan of a pig destined for slaughter, from conception to selection. (Natural News, 2005)
When you patent something, you have control over it. Just ask the grain and veggie farmers who are being put out of business by Monsanto thugs if patenting our food supply is a good idea.Monsanto contaminates the fields, trespasses onto the land taking samples and if they find any GMO plants growing there (or say they have), they then sue, saying they own the crop. It's a way to make money since farmers can't fight back in court and they settle because they have no choice. (SMCC, 2009)
Now the Federal government wants to inflict NAIS on us in an attempt to force people who own any type of ranch or farm animal to allow tracking of their animals from birth to death, with stiff penalties imposed for not filling out the appropriate paperwork when your chicken crosses the road.
Now add it up. First Monsanto gets the okay by the Feds to inflict on the public, without their knowledge or consent, patented GMO seed technology. Our grocery shelves are loaded with genetically modified frankenfood, Monsanto is bankrupting farmers, and normal seeds are being put out of reach. Now Monsanto and company are attempting the same thing with our livestock. If NAIS goes through, our groceries will be filled with genetically modified meat, and of course, like the GMO grains and veggies, will require no labeling. The only ones who will be raising livestock are the big corporations, and any little guy who gets in their way will be effectively squashed by NAIS if his chicken happens to cross the road.
FHFA’s National Mortgage Database: Outstanding Mortgage Rates, LTV and
Credit Scores
Today, in the Calculated Risk Real Estate Newsletter: FHFA’s National
Mortgage Database: Outstanding Mortgage Rates, LTV and Credit Scores
A brief excerpt:...
4 hours ago
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