Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Jamaica unrest - who is to blame?

Jamaica unrest - who is to blame?
13:44 UK time, Monday, 24 May 2010

A state of emergency has been declared in parts of the Jamaican capital, Kingston, after violence broke out. What is your reaction?

Trouble began when the government announced it would arrest and extradite alleged druglord Christopher "Dudus" Coke to the US. His supporters set up barricades and said they would fight to protect him. Jamaican security forces moved in to the Tivoli Gardens district and a number of casualties have been reported.

Jamaica's Prime Minister Bruce Golding has denounced unrest as a "calculated assault on the authority of the state". But supporters of Mr Coke say he is a community leader who feeds and supports poor residents - and ensures their security.

Are you in Jamaica? What is your experience of the civil unrest? Do you support the decision to extradite Dudus Coke? Who is to blame for the troubles? How can Jamaica solve its problems? What should the government do next?

The utter poverty, the lack of a human rights agenda, the approval of extreme violence against people who are different, murdering gay folks while folks watch -- with, it appears, no concern -- that's what is causing the "unrest".

Jamaica is looking for a way to explode -- just murdering gay folks no longer relieves the pressure.

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