Saturday, January 8, 2011


I've seen the headline, "Unspeakable Tragedy" about the murder of six people in Arizona, and the wounding of many others. One who was gravely wounded is Gabrielle Giffords, a congresswoman.

This is not a "tragedy" -- it's a CRIME! It's a criminal act by another person, not a flood, earthquake, or tornado -- it's a crime.

It's time we looked directly at actions like these. These are criminal acts, often done by folks who have an agenda -- like those who kill abortion providers, bomb their clinics, or kill gay or lesbian folks. These are all CRIMES!

Now, I understand "some animals are more equal than others" here in the good old USA. Kill a hooker and you just might get away with it. But, the ultimate truth is -- ALL MURDERS ARE CRIMES. The culprits must be caught, must be punished.

Whether this is an act of right-wing insanity, an act of regular insanity, or just a desire to kill folks -- we have to protect ourselves, and society from such events.

This is insane.

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