Thursday, January 20, 2011

Once Again, From "Some Assembly Required"

We begin the late afternoon with a selection from "Some Assembly Required". Plain speaking about issues usually surrounded with bull-crap. (please follow link to original - there's much more there)

Insurance Dance: Most of us agree, most of the time, that no one should be kicked to the curb and denied health care when they need it – we're not to the point of letting the poor die on public streets. Not yet. The question we do not agree upon is who should pay for this care, and how. What is the fairest way to share the burden of basic health care for our citizens? If everyone is to benefit, then all should contribute – proportional to their incomes. And if we're going to do that then we must adopt a fair, efficient system that eliminates the profit motive and unnecessary administrative costs. And that leads us to a single payer system of some type, for some degree of health care for all. Or should we just look away and walk on by?

Protecting the Guilty: A Federal appeals court has supported the Obama administrations view that letting the American people know about (have access to the transcripts and videos of) the torture conducted in their name would lead to the prosecution of many former high-ranking officials (and not a few current ones) for war crimes, so the public cannot be allowed access. That's not what the court said, just what they meant.

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