Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mothers Day!!

It's starting off well -- "massive dead zone" -- is this something from Rod Serling? Sounds very "science fictioney" to me -- too bad it's TRUE.

More "Holy Crimes" (genuflect). Well, well, it's NOT just the Roman Catholics -- is it?

It's also really nice to see that the corruption in the RC Church is not limited to us depraved Americans -- as some of the old poofs in the Vatican claimed some years ago.

they knew all about this growing world wide scandal. They moved priests hither and yon, making sure they escaped prosecution -- while having "new meat" for their predation. It's like moving a known man eating bear from Fairbanks to Yellowknife -- fresh meat.

Meanwhile the cardinals and their head, the pope, say -- "We know nothing!! Nothing I tell you -- what "children". Oh, look, look, look over there -- it's those depraved Americans -- not us Germans/Italians/Australians/Mexicans/Irish/French/etc., etc., etc.".

Total lack of integrity. I'd bet even THEY do NOT believe in "God".

Tax the church -- break up the church. Enforce total separation of church and state.

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