Today is May 1st. It's Mayday -- a holiday with deep roots in the European tradition. It's now both an end of winter celebration AND a day for labor to rally.
Here in the USA May day has been downplayed by the corporate leaders. It's been tied in with "Godless Communism", etc., etc., etc. In fact, May 1st as a workers holiday began in the USA and Canada as a call for a strike for the 8 hour day. Do you remember those quaint old traditions -- the 5 day week and the 8 hour day?
There actually was a time when workers could band together and form a union -- today, everyone is so brainwashed they think unions are "bad", as they endure horrid working conditions.
Most European workers have more balls that us "rugged Americans".
Anyway, this is not only about that -- it's also about MAYDAY, the old pagan holiday -- that was taken over by the Christians (what hasn't).
When I was in Grammar School (primary school today) we would build a Maypole, festoon it with crepe paper flowers and streamers. Then, all the BOYS AND GIRLS (not just the girls) would dance and skip around the Maypole. There would be a "Queen Of The May", and we'd have a little party. It was a nice little celebration that I remember over 60 years later.
Of course, that had to end -- after all, we were told May 1st was a COMMUNIST holiday. In addition, it's pagan roots "offended" "The Official Church of Child Rapists", AKA "The Roman Catholic Church".
So, today, a celebration of the end of winter, the beginning of the six warm months, the growing season, is no longer celebrated in the Good Old USA (TM applied for).
It's not seen necessary by our corporate overlords.
Even in Medieval England The Lords allowed their serfs a holiday to go (sorta) wild. There was drinking, dancing around the Maypole, and various sorts of revelry (most likely a lot of fucking, too).
We have forgotten all our roots.
Today, any teacher asking little Jimmy to dance around a Maypole would probably be fired. It's not "masculine" enough. Jimmy needs a little AR15 to kill "The Enemies of Freedom". Dancing and skipping might make him "gay" (or something).
Labor is only "celebrated" when our overlords ALLOW it, and only in "designated areas".
We have become our own joke.
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[image: Mortgage Rates]Note: Mortgage rates are from
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