Sunday, December 21, 2008


I haven't been feeling well recently. Cold, stomach problems, etc. In addition, I've really been bummed out by the Rick Warren invitation issued by Obama.

We have been thrown under the bus -- AGAIN!

We've been relegated to "pet" status. Our feelings, needs, have been (once again) pushed aside, then ignored.

It's more important to make common cause with someone who would see us dead rather than affirm our humanity.

It is time to oppose ALL bigots -- even "soft bigots". Those who have gay and lesbian friends, who actually have them over for dinner -- but who cannot even begin to "understand" why we even want "special rights" (IE: EQUAL RIGHTS).

We have an ex-"friend" who, when confronted with the IDEA of "gay marriage" blurted out, "But, you've got to have standards.".

I can no longer look at the man, or his wife (at least she was more honest about her feelings, usually finding an excuse for not getting together).

People like that often use us as a way to "prove" how "liberal" they are. Many of them appear to see us as "pets", or well trained children. They are incapable of seeing us as totally human -- usually due to religion and tradition.

I do not care what they think. I would rather have no one than "friends" like that. All they do is bring you down, destroy any good feelings you have for yourself.

What I do want is simply EQUAL RIGHTS. The same rights of CITIZENSHIP other folks have.

I do not care if 70% of the Black Community votes against me. Nor do I care if a majority of older Whites, Latino folks, etc. oppose my rights.

In a Democratic Republic no ones rights should ever be up for a vote.

Always remember: Majority Rule, Minority Rights".

If you can vote away my rights, I can band together with others -- and vote away yours. It's that simple.

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