Sunday, February 14, 2010

Another Post

I've become "Joanie-one-note", complaining about our government, the administration, and the craven cowards our huge Democratic majority has become.

Perhaps it's just that too many of our newly elected "Democrats" are DINO'S (Dems in name only), also known as "Blue Dog Democrats". I think they are cowardly, non-Democrats -- terrified they might not get re-elected.

I honestly think the economy still stinks. It does seem an awful lot of the "Official" numbers on the state of the economy are "cooked" even more than P&L's from some of our major corporations.

It's as if all our "elites" can't tell the truth from a lie -- while those stirring up the "Tea Party" assholes, make it a point to do nothing but lie.

All the diffuse anger floating around, along with the misinformation, lies, and stupidity, make it very easy to mislead people who want bad guys that fit in with the years of propaganda they've been fed.

---- It's all them libruls, them panty-waist, faggot, elite, educated, folks ----

That's the ticket, yeah, it's those guys -- and the women who think they're smart, the ones with college degrees, the "eastern" ones. Or, the ones from Kalifornia (Commiefornia, etc., etc., etc.).

Meanwhile, their heroes want to block any and all regulation of banks. They want to block consumer rights legislation. AND -- they are depending on the very folks who oppose Social Security and Medicare to "save" it for them.

The trouble continues to compound itself.

These truly are "interesting times"

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