Monday, February 15, 2010

Labor Underutilization Rate Based On Household Income

(Click on link for chart)

Please go to Huffington Post For article. Follow link.

No wonder Republican's and Beltway sorts are a bit slow when it comes to the job situation -- it does not affect them or any in their circle.

It's the huge disconnect between Washington, Wall Street, Upper Middle Class folks and the rest of us that's to blame.

They do not know us, do not care about us, and neither have, or want to have, any first hand knowledge of the trials "ordinary people" go through.

Even the total hypocrisy, the cavalier attitude, so many of our "leaders" take toward health care, shows the disconnect.

Once again, I feel like I'm drawn toward writing about the huge gap between reality and what is presented by our "news organizations". Not only is dissent discouraged -- it's just not covered unless there's "direct action" involved. Even then, the coverage tends to be VERY onesided.

People are unhappy, stressed, worried sick -- yet think they are alone.

Our culture, the one that tells you you're a "pussy" if you consider collective action, if you support class consciousness, makes it so YOU have to solve "your problems" all alone. That makes it very difficult to see it's NOT "your problem" -- it's endemic, it's a part of the way society is structured.

The game is rigged ----- just ask all those folks who followed the "rules", were "loyal employees", "good citizens", did it the "right way" - then got shafted by their employers when the time came, when they were to reap the deferred "rewards" --- no job, no pension (any more), no health care.

Just another discarded "part".

Unfortunately, in most cases, the old light bulb comes on when it's too late to do anything ----- and the young folks think, "I'm different. That won't happen to me. These useless old fools deserve what they get."

Generation after generation they never realize thet too will become "useless old fools"
Click here to find out more!

'No Labor Market Recession For America's Affluent,' Low-Wage Workers Hit Hardest: STUDY

Click here to find out more!

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