Friday, February 12, 2010

More of the same

Now, our peerless leaders want to follow up a too small stimulus with an equally tepid jobs bill. Just enough to give us a hint of recovery, without assailing us with the possibility of a full fledged one.

After all, we can't have our newly permanent ex-middle class getting any illusions -- can't have them (us) begin to think like American Citizens, with options, choices, and perhaps a spine. Can't have those folks think they are entitled to health care, decent working conditions, paid vacations, retirement benefits, CONSIDERATION. Can't have them expect to be treated like human beings -- especially in this new servant economy.

What would our new (same as the old) overlords think? We might actually tell some of them to go fuck themselves.

Once the fiction of their "superiority" is gone -- they are just another group of overprivileged, overentitled assholes -- people who equate money with competence.

Fix your own Lexus, mend your own overpriced, too, too, chic, clothes. Have your kids compete with other, not so rich kids -- the way they had to when The U.S.A. was actually a world leader -- when the concept of MERIT actually had a little bit of meaning (if you were white).

Before the current "celebrity society", there were actually admirable people who were admired -- for accomplishments, not just because THEY SAID, "I'm a celebrity - look at me!".

No one wants to talk about it today, but back in the 60's there was very serious talk about the 35 hour week. "Leisure stocks" were a BIG thing, positioning for the end of poverty, a less stressful life, more time for cultural pursuits.

Today, it seems obvious that our "leaders" could not allow that to happen -- people might just think they were "free", might actually DEMAND stuff, want a more egalitarian society, demand an end to the old regime. They might actually learn there is no reason for the conditions most folks live under today. Who knows where THAT might lead.

Can you see all those super-rich, "masters of the universe", actually working for a living? Neither can I.

Hell, their track record sucks. Over and over, every couple of generations, they have to prove to someone how smart they are -- leading to another huge crash. No one can destroy an economy as well as a bunch of guys who suddenly think they are smart. Often these are the very same guys who were too dumb to be engineers or science guys -- they were business majors. Or, in some cases, nerds who couldn't get the girl, didn't play sports, majored in economics -- and are now arrogant "supermen" (though they know they are "really" losers).

Isn't it amazing how much all the macho, dick waving crap, poisons the world?

By the way, it has been suggested that all the fuss about Greece is simply because a gov't failure might just lead to an Anarcho-Socialist State. We just can't allow that to happen -- can we?

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